NOTE: These SMART apps are experimental and are NOT intended to offer medical advice at this time. Please consult a physician and/or pharmacist if you are concerned about a possible natural product-drug interaction.
Welcome to the NAPDI-CDS app page. Tools to improve patient safety are listed below. These are based on our NAPDI-CDS algorithms using open, free, and standards-based health information technology standards (SMART on FHIR).
NPDI-CDS for Cannabidiol – Direct Oral Anticoagulants(DOACs)
We have built a SMART app to support clinician decision making for situations where a patient is at risk for an adverse event due to DOAC toxicity caused by inhibition of the metabolism of DOAC by an inhibitor of P-glycoprotein(P-gp).
- You can try the app out yourself by clicking on any of the following patient profiles
Please provide us with feedback!
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NPDI-CDS for Cannabidiol – Clopidogrel
We have built a SMART app to support clinician decision making for situations where a patient is at risk for an adverse event due to reduced clopidogrel efficacy caused by inhibition of the metabolism of clopidogrel to an active drug by an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2C19.
- You can try the app out yourself by clicking on any of the following patient profiles
Please provide us with feedback!
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NPDI-CDS for Cannabidiol – Warfarin
We have built a SMART app to support clinician decision making for situations where a patient is at risk for an adverse event due to warfarin toxicity caused by inhibition of the metabolism of warfarin by an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2C9.
- You can try the app out yourself by clicking on any of the following patient profiles
Please provide us with feedback!
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NPDI-CDS for Kratom – Oxycodone
We have built a SMART app to support clinician decision making for situations where a patient is at risk for an adverse event due to oxycodone toxicity caused by inhibition of the metabolism of oxycodone by an inhibitor of cytochrome P450 2D6.
- You can try the app out yourself by clicking on any of the following patient profiles
Please provide us with feedback!
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Funding for developing the NPDI-CDS apps came from grant U54 AT008909 from the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) as part of the Center of Excellence for Natural Product Drug Interaction Research (NaPDI Center). Additional funding provided by U18 HS027099, R01HS025984 and R21HS023826 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).